Ultimate Angelz Online Application







You will be a part of our marketing team, modeling dresses and gowns that will promote our store on all of our social media accounts.


You will be involved in amazing photoshoots with our professional production team as well as taking pictures and videos in the stores sharing our beautiful collections.

You may also be asked to come into the store during normal business hours to meet with our customers and model live our hottest styles of the season.

We have a 5.6" and taller requirement for our Angelz. Our manufacturers design for women who are in this height range and we would not be able to hem or pin the length since these dresses that you model are for sale.

We always have at least one Angelz in the "petite" category and we will advise, in any future casting call, if we are searching for additional petite models. Thank you for your understanding.

We want our customers to know why we are #1 in the Northeast and why we are one of four of the largest social occasion stores in the country. So, get ready to be a part of this elite crew.

We look forward to having you join our Ambassador Program and become a part of the Ultimate family.




Minimum height required: 5'6"